As a training provider delivering both private and funded training all over the UK, we collect a lot of feedback from a lot of different people, in a lot of different sectors.
We asked 1000+ people:
"What is your current biggest day-to-day challenge at work?"
...and 47% of respondents answered...
Almost half of everyone surveyed had time management problems.
It became evident that a focus on time management would really help a lot of the people we interact with.
Time just exists, you can't make it stop or go quicker/slower.
And through this concept, we have curated a course that will look at underlying issues/factors that often make people feel like they don't have enough time.
Scenarios like not being able to say no, often leads to situations where you end up with too large of a workload. Or not being able to prioritise well leads to focusing on the wrong tasks, meaning that the important tasks often get left until the last minute and therefore feel rushed.
We explore several areas that look at time management in a different way than just creating better todo lists.
The Urgent/Important Matrix
How to identify which of your tasks are important and which are urgent
The Circle of Concern
How to not waste time on things you have no influence or control over
Understanding the concept around postponing action
How to Say 'No' Without Damaging Relationships
A look into being able to confidently manage your workload
The Wheel of Life
Examining the different aspects of your life and where you spend your time
Energy and Resilience
Identifing what energy level you're at and how to nuture it
Tying it all together and recommended action steps
A review of all the parts of this course and what this means for you
The course is delivered via a workbook, an audio clip and slides in a series of emails